About Us

Upon meeting the guys, you may think that they have known each other their entire lives. Ironically, they only met around one year ago at a mutual friends dinner. So how do two strangers turn a conversation into a business reality?

Essentially they vibed and committed to making it happen. 

“Our vision and mission is to change men’s lives for the better. To challenge our fellow brothers in the most authentic and well intentioned way - to help you show up, do the work and surrender to a lighter life.”

Who are we?


Co-founder/Transformation Coach 

I’ve had a vision of creating a men’s group for years now however my responsibilities kept this simply a dream. Working in construction and out on the mines for years; I lived away from home and sacrificed myself and my health on many levels. I worked with groups of men who woke up everyday; completely lost and removed from their true selves - dreading their days ahead and going to bed unfulfilled. As we are a product of our surroundings, this mundane way of living became my reality too.

I had a daughter at home, a beautiful girl who I had when I was 17. My greatest teacher and my best friend. Despite witnessing the collective unhappiness surrounding me, I repeatedly shrugged off feelings of emptiness as I ‘had to’ - I had financial responsibilities. A beautiful human to provide for, educate and keep safe.

My whole life I have worked hard. My childhood embedded the belief in me that nothing came easy. It had its challenges with my parents splitting at a young age and having to work hard on the fruit farm we lived on. Despite growing up with not ‘having much’, I am forever grateful for the freedom of the land, the ocean and an extremely strong relationship with my Mother. Nature, nurture and love cannot be bought and are stabilisers in my life.

If fear is in the driver’s seat of your life, where are they driving you to? By not heading on our destined course, we end up depriving our family and community of the unique capacities and gifts we were meant to express in the world!

Having experienced the feeling of being misunderstood a lot through my life, I realised many other men also felt this same way. Through a strong desire of wanting to help change this dysfunctional way of living, the idea of starting The Gentlemen’s Club grew. After meeting Josh and having aligned visions we both left our jobs and went all in on plan A changing the course of our lives.

By stepping into the unknown and creating unlimited possibilities I can now say, I am the happiest I’ve ever been with the most abundance I have ever had. I want to show you that once you have the courage to choose the life you have always wanted things flow much easier than you think.

By joining T.G.C you’re not only showing up for yourself, you’re showing up for the rest of your world too.

Much Love,


Co-founder/Coach & Conscious Connected Breathwork Facilitator 

I have battled with my intuition my whole life. It has been so attuned, telling me things I didn’t want to believe. I didn’t want to face. So to avoid these unwanted responsibilities and truths, I fell into an addiction to drugs, alcohol and gambling.

These vices numbed my mind, making my failures bearable for the entire weekend. Waking up on Monday instantly ignited a craving for Friday to arrive again. I was dragging myself through life and I became too heavy. I felt like I couldn’t carry myself around any more (or maybe I just didn’t want to). I was told, “you have nothing to offer anyone.” I’d tapped out and tried to take my own life on more than one occasion.

From the outside, my life looked fairly put together. You never know what someone is going through. Everything was in pieces. I had a broken relationship, career, connection and soul. I was so disconnected to myself and my self destruction was on autopilot.

Two things I can thank my intuition for is:

  1. saving my life and
  2. going all in with The Gentlemen’s Club.

After an epiphany at a ‘Connect Through Breath’ workshop, the vision of creating a supportive environment for men to come and seek out their potential was so clear.

We wanted to create a space where men know they aren’t alone, whilst also teaching men that the only way to reach their higher self is for them to take responsibility. To go inward and start asking themselves the tough questions.

Since taking charge of my own life and doing a LOT of inner work and self discovery, I have realised that I still want to be here. There were a lot of challenges to realise that I am worthy and accepting love. The hardest part was to learn how to love myself and step out of the victim mentality I had adopted my entire life. I now awake with purpose - something I hadn’t experienced in years - and this is all thanks to T.G.C.

My work now focuses around helping men find their passion and authentic selves. T.G.C is a space for men who also want to reconnect to themselves, their deeper purpose and to chase after their dreams. A space where there is no judgement or shame. Pure acceptance and zero stigmas. Men can cry, speak up and do not have to do it all alone.

T.G.C is a community for all men, from all walks of life, to come and go as they wish, to share as much or as little as they need. We have built an evolving community of healthy men, wanting what's best for one another!

So keen to meet you all and thank you for being here.

All the love,